


Sunday, 7 February 2021

How to make RC Tires AD Water Bottle

07:26 0
How to make RC Tires AD Water Bottle
07:19 0

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

The concept comes from the DC Moter and the awesome V9 battery

04:49 0
The concept comes from the DC Moter and the awesome V9 battery
 Awesome ideas with DC motor.  3 useful things can be made with 9v battery - life hacks let's make 3 useful things out of 9v battery. ... But the most important characteristic of the motor is ,the need to be controlled for a spe .. Gift Ideas Customer Service Sell Baby AmazonBasics Coupons ... Kit4Curious...

Friday, 13 September 2019

How To Make Fountain a Three Bottle Heron's Fountain

23:16 0
How To Make Fountain  a Three Bottle Heron's Fountain
Here is a lit of the items you need for the build. As you can see, it's not a lot. The total cost of build = $2 (you can scavenge the 3 water bottles)(3) 16 ...Here is a list of the tools needed for this instructable. All you need are very basic hand tools, and that's about it!ScissorsDrill (hand or electric ...Cut (1) of the bottles in half as pictured. Keep...

Thursday, 27 June 2019

How to make a dust truck Amazing Truck

07:33 0
How to make a dust truck Amazing Truck
How to make a dust truck Amazing Truck  Garbage Truck - Amazing Truck Toys. In this video I will guide you: how to make RC garbage this video I will introduce in detail how to make rc garbage trucks You Can Do it Easy at Home from  Well, if the truck had...

Friday, 17 May 2019

bsckh Recycle the battery worms cinto car

03:08 0
bsckh Recycle the battery worms cinto car
 Band Rubber Powered make to Car At HomeRubber Band Powered CAR -DIY Auto -Air Cars. BSC KH. BSC KH  bsckh Recycle the battery worms cinto car. BSC KH. Scrap metals such as server racks, cables and battery backup (uninterrupted power supplies) are recycled at a nearby scrap metal dealer. Electronics that are ...